Learning to be content is kind of like unlearning a bad habit though, and it's going to take time. I'm working on it quietly in recesses of my mind a little bit each day. I'm sure I'll slip up and have negative days, but the point is to keep working at it. I also have to know myself and know what actions and thoughts trigger my grumpy negative inner self. And the big number one problem is when I let the house work go a little. Pretty much what I'm saying here is that a messy house equals evil demon Mom. I'm serious, it's not pretty! It's at those times when I complain the most about our situation, and wish things were different.
So, here's my crazy new year challenge for myself. Keep my house clean for a whole year. Can it be done? Um, let's just say I'm not 100% confident, but I'm going to try anyway. So far I'm on day 5 and it's going great. The kids are not too happy about me constantly calling them back to pick up their messes, but I have heard that it takes 21 times to make something a habit so hopefully they will figure it out before I loose my voice. I'm thinking though that when it comes to hanging up their backpacks I shouldn't get my hopes up until its been at least 100 days.
Oh, and there has to be a reward right? I mean other than having a clean house and being happier. There has to be something to keep me going. I'm thinking that if I can actually pull it off I might have to do some guilt free shopping.
Anyway, I plan on documenting my progress from time to time here just to kind of keep me in check. And just for the sake of having a picture, here is my youngest making our first mess of the day, which we did clean up right away before moving on to Candy Land.
Good Luck!
I hope it works out. I know I'm always happier when my house is clean too. I've been one big on making resolutions at the new year but I think I'm going to this year.
Once again Sally I must tell you how much I enjoy reading your articles!!!
Dido to what Betty said and "Amen Sist'a" about the whole monster mom when the house is dirty. I wish I could commit to a year of having a clean house, but unfortunately I'm not quite there yet. Maybe this year I can figure out a baby step so that some day down the road I can have a "year of clean house" too!
Now! If we all just pitch in for FIVE minutes... sound familiar to anyone? :P
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