(My camera is still at the shop so, sorry again for the bad camera phone pictures!)
Here's what you need:
*Plain colored shirt (I wanted to use ones that my girls already had, but they were all covered in stains. Good thing Old Navy had them on sale for $2.50!)
*A yard to a yard and a half of trim or lace depending on the size of the shirt and how many layers you want the heart to have. (I got mine at Jo Ann's and I had a little bit left over from both of the shirts I made, but they will make cute hair accessories)
*Fabric glue
*Fray check
*Disappearing ink pen- optional
*Construction paper and scissors
Start by cutting out a basic heart in whatever size you want. Just remember it's going to get much bigger the more layers of trim you put around it so you might want to start small.

Trace it onto your shirt using a disappearing ink pen. You could use a regular pen as long as you completely cover it up with trim.

And then proudly show your daughter her awesome new Valentines shirt!

I went with an opposite color scheme for my youngest daughter and the lace that I bought for hers was a huge pain! I thought it would be so cute because it was kind of sparkly, but it had elastic down the middle and it just didn't look right so I ended up folding it in half and sewing it together before I glued it down. I still think it turned out cute, but I would not recommend buying anything with elastic down the center or using a tee shirt that has pleats a the top. Another annoyance.

I grabbed a quick picture of her when she tried it on and wasn't planning on posting it, but I thought it might be a good idea for you too see what it actually looks like on. Just ignore our messy closet in the background.
I love it. And I definitly going to make them for my girls. Where did you get the pink trim? I like how it is ruffled.
Jenn, I got the pink trim and the white lace at JoAnn's in their ribbon by the yard section. I just went back and added that in the post.
Wow, that is SO cute. AND, I could totally do it! My six year old will LOVE it.
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