I'm not sure where to begin except to say that I am flattered that I received so great a response to my idea of "Family Jeopardy" which I posted on sugardoodle.net. The idea came to my while I was trying to figure out how in the world I would ever fill a BINGO card (another idea shared on sugardoodle.net) with families from the scriptures. I needed 24 and could only come up with about 10!
I still love the BINGO idea so I will try to incorporate it into a lesson some other time!
While I was sitting at my table I started thinking of other things I could put in a BINGO card to fill the spaces, like songs, and somehow my mind came up with the idea of putting them into categories and playing Jeopardy instead. I don't have any fancy documents to share with you otherwise I would, but I just don't know how to do that kind of thing (I'm lacking in the computer knowledge department! Probably from being a stay-at-home-mom these days!). UPDATE: My super-computer-genius-older-brother helped me figure out how to link documents to my post. Hurray for big brothers!!
I know the main part everyone wants to know is what my categories will be and what the clues will be. But I'm going to type up everything I have planned for my lesson so you can see how it all goes together. I hope this helps some of you.
1. Print out documents that say "Book Of Mormon Families", "Bible Families", "Songs", and "Ward Families". CLICK HERE for my pdf.
2. Print out 4 documents of each of the following: "100", "200", "300", "400". CLICK HERE for my pdf.
3. Print out a document that says "Families Are Central To Heavenly Father's Plan". CLICK HERE for my pdf.
4. Print out a document with all the clues and answers to family jeopardy. CLICK HERE for my pdf.
*I think it's important to try and follow the lesson according to the Primary Outline as much as you can while still making things fun an interesting for the children. You will see that the Jeopardy is the only part I've changed.
Lesson Plan
Hold up your sign "Families Are Central To Heavenly Father's Plan" and have the children repeat it with you several times. Hide the sign and help them say it from memorization. Ask for volunteers to try saying it from memory on their own.
Remind the children that our theme for this month is "The scriptures teach of Heavenly Father's plan". Families are an important part of His plan for us. In the Scriptures we learn about many families and how they followed the plan Heavenly Father had for them.
Play Family Jeopardy.
Close by asking the children to volunteer and share a good quality about their family, a tradition in their family, or a favorite memory. Repeat "Families are central to Heavenly Father's plan" and bare your testimony about families.

Arrange categories and point values on a chalk board or white board in the Jeopardy manner (i.e. point values below the category).
Divide children into two groups (I do this down the center instead of by class so that there are older and younger children in each group).
Start by letting group A pick a category and point value. Read the clue associated with that point value and category and have that group discuss and try to give the correct answer. Give more clues or a scripture to look up to help them find the correct answer. (Or give the other group a chance to answer.) Also feel free to play or hum the jeopardy theme song while they try to answer!
When the correct answer has been given take down that point value so it doesn't get picked again.**
Repeat with group B and then go back and forth until all the clues have been given.
**At this point you have the option of giving each group the point value paper and keeping score or just playing the game for fun. I will not be playing with points because I don't want to have a "winner" but that is all up to you.
***For the "songs" category the clue is a sentence or phrase from a song related to families. They need to guess the title of the song. If they can't answer with just the words try having your pianist play the music that goes to the word phrase. Add more music and words until they can answer.
****for the "ward families" category make up clues about families in your own ward (i.e. name the two families with twins). This will be a fun way to see how much the kids know about families in the ward!
To see all of the category clues and answers CLICK HERE.
I hope this is helpful to some of you. Thanks again for all of the interest! (I felt like a celebrity while I was reading all of my emails!) Please come back and let me know how it went!!

This is so perfect! a great framework, I can make adjustments for my primary kids....Thanks again, hope you get an extra measure of blessing somewhere for blessing my life! marianne from Oregon!
THANK YOU THANK YOU i LOVE this idea! All the had work you put in is SO appreciated! my kids will LOVE it! Sarah from Idaho
Thank you so much! I am so relieved to have this for this weeks lesson. The kids will love it and I love the idea of the music!
Thank you! Thank you!
Thanks so much for sharing!
Thank you so much, this is fantastic and my primary kids are going to love it! Fan from England!
Thank you so much! I am actually going to wait until your AWESOME brother comes up with the word docs as I like you am lacking in the "anything other than mommy related" subjects these days---Some days I literally feel my brain seeping out of my head! Good things these kiddos make it all worth it:)
I am so glad I stumbled upon this today! I was actually thinking of doing this very thing, but couldn't think of other fun topics. I LOVE the song and ward family idea! Thank you!
You've saved me this week. Thank you for the wonderful idea and the time it took to prepare it so well. I feel like I owe you one!
Thanks for making it so use your idea and thank you for being so generous with your time and talents! I love that you kept to the outline in the 2011 Sharing Time manual.
This is a great idea and I really want to use it. Do you think it would work for the younger kids? Are you changing any of the questions to help them out? Just wondering. thanks!
Thank You for sharing tis idea my kids are going to love it!
Jen D. :
I am not planning on changing the questions. I think it may be a bit hard for the sunbeams but you'd be surprised how smart these kids are. I plan on dividing the jr primary into two groups right now the center so that half of each class is in each group. This way there are 6&7 year olds with the sunbeams to help them out. Plus, I don't know how it is in your primary but it ours the teachers usually help supply answers for the younger kids so they can participate.
Thanks so much for sharing Jenn! I love your idea and appreciate those that share for those that get just a tad stumped on what to do. haha!
I love this. Thanks so much for sharing!
Thank you! I am totally inept at coming up with fun ideas like this. You made my weekend so much better without the stress of what to do for sharing time hanging over me. Marci from Australia
A huge thank you to you! You have done an amazing job here. I have a HUGE primary and I can make this work with our Primary (not always possible with every idea). You will receive blessings untold for sharing your talents with people like me. :) A Primary in CA will be so grateful to you this week!
Thank you sooo much! I just got called yesterday to do sharing time this Sunday because the whole primary presidency was going to be out of town. You just made my day!
thank you so much for your efforts. I have been cursed with no creativity so I struggle with what to do in Sharing time when it's my week. Thanks for your great ideas and for sharing them with all of us. Can't wait to do this with the primary tomorrow!
Thank you SO, SO much! I really love this!! :)
Bless you!
Thank you so much for this - an answer to my prayers! Been really struggling to find something fun for the kids to do for this weeks theme - you are a life saver!
Thank you so much for this - an answer to my prayers! Been really struggling to find something fun for the kids to do for this weeks theme - you are a life saver!
wow this is so fun...this will be my last sharing time and i really wanted to do something extra and a little fun to go along with the original plan, this is perfect thanks!
I love this. Thank you SO SO much. I was having a hard time thinking of something to do and you just helped me out a ton.
How funny! I found your cute idea on sugardoodle and realized that I had heard this blog name before, because I am friends with Sally. Super cute Sharing Time idea! I already had Junior Primary planned, but I am going to use this for Senior Primary. Thanks for sharing your creativity, and for being on the ball. Even when I have a good idea, I can't share it because as you can see I am planning on Saturday night. Such a slacker!
Thank you so much. Found out I had to do sharing time last minute and you had all the work done!
Thank you for this great idea and for sharing...from the looks of it lots of primary children are benefiting from your creative efforts to teach this Gospel message. LJ in Oregon
What a great idea. We will be doing this in my Primary today. Thanks for doing all the work! Now I just get to play.
Thank you for the great idea! I used it and the kids loved it! You saved my week. :)
This Sharing Time was perfect. The kids had a blast! Thank you so much!! Stephanie in Derby KS
We are a week behind due to stake conference. I just got back from a vacation...it's Saturday night and I have sharing time in the morning. I so appreciate you sharing your idea and for making the PDF files of all of your hard work. You saved me from a very late night! THANK YOU!!!
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