Friday, June 28, 2013

Across the Back Tucked Under French Braid (no bobbi pins needed) Two ways!

I think that wins for longest title ever! So, it's been four months since I've posted anything on here and I'm not sure if there is still anyone out there, but I'm back so hopefully you can forgive me for being gone for so long.

OK, here is the deal with this braid. You've probably seen it before. I even mention in the video that I've been wearing it a lot lately, so there is a chance you might have even seen it on me before. However, a few weeks ago my husband and I had this fancy party to go to and we were also leaving town right after. So, after spending all day getting all the laundry washed and five suitcases packed up I did not have much time to get myself ready for the party. After a quick shower and some very fast make up maneuvers, I had about five minutes to do something with my hair. I didn't want to stoop to a ponytail, but didn't have time for much else so I through up this quick braid and suddenly had this idea how to finish it off. The end result looked like my hair had actually been "done." You and I are the only ones who know that is wasn't.

This is my first ever video tutorial so be kind!
And here are a few shots of my daughter's hair before she ran around and got it all messy.



  1. Wow! I am so impressed! I love the way it turned out. Too bad I don't have enough hair to do that on myself.

  2. So pretty! I wish I was better at french braids! :(

  3. So pretty. My hair is so long and it's SOOO hot! I've been doing braids a lot but having it off my neck would be really nice!


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