Friday, November 30, 2012

Friday Is My Day

Friday is my day. The day I'm supposed to come up with something super awesome to post for you in an effort to get you to keep coming back. Do you know the last time I actually posted something? Probably close to a month. (I'm not even sure....that's how long it's been!)

Sadly I still have nothing new to share. I love doing crafts. I like cooking with new recipes. I love getting dressed in the morning and seeing what fun new outfit I can come up with. Yet somehow I am never able to translate any of this into a blog post. Mostly because 1.) I never have time to craft anymore 2.) I have a baby crying at my feet when I cook and 3.) there is no one around to take a picture of my (hopefully) great outfit.

I'm not sure how these women who have little children and really popular blogs have time to do it but somehow they make it work. It must be like having a full time job, which I am now certain I could never do. 

I'm pretty sure if I spelled out for you everything I did today it would bore you to death so I'll just share the one thing I did outside of our normal, crazy, every day routine.

So, my little sister (sorry Krista, my YOUNGER sister) just had her very first baby. She's a doll! And I have the privilege of going to see her in a couple of days. I'm so excited to meet Scarlet (isn't that the cutest name ever!) In addition to meeting the little peanut I get to take her newborn pictures. I am not a photographer, but I'd like to be and who better to practice on than an adorable little baby who doesn't move! Haha! I can't wait.

So today I decided I better get out my camera and take a few pictures just to get a little practice in before I go. My photo subject? My 8 month old baby! Oh. My. Notsomuchfun!! My little piece of advice for today....8 months old are not good for practicing photography. I'd like to show you the one and only good picture I got but apparently we are out of photo storage space?! (didn't even know that was possible!)

Anyway, congrats to Krista and Kenny on their beautiful baby girl. Hopefully she turns out to be a cooperative photo subject.


  1. Thanks Jenn! I am excited to have you take some pictures of my sweet baby so that I can finally post something other than just phone pictures. Can't wait!

  2. I think we are both feeling the same way. It's OK though because it just means we are focused on more important things right now.


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