Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Tis The Season To Give (Thanks)

It's 10:30. I wish I was in bed. Instead I'm agonizing over Jennifer Grey being crowned the winner of Season 11 Dancing With The Stars. It's so not fair. It should have been Kyle.

Okay, now that that's off my chest I can move on to today's post. Sadly, because I spent my day cleaning and my night glued to the TV, I came to the computer with no idea what I was going to post. I hemmed and hawed a while then decided to flip through a Good Housekeeping magazine hoping I might see something that would spark what was sure to be a brilliant idea. Lucky for the both of us, I did.

With Thanksgiving only a day away (I should probably start fasting now so I have plenty of room for all that food!) I thought it only appropriate to post something related to this really amazing holiday.

I wish I could tell you in all these beautiful and eloquent words what a great holiday it is and how important it is to be thankful for what we have but I'm not a writer. Somehow I can never put into words they way my heart feels and what my head thinks. So let me just say this:

In an effort to show just how thankful we truly are let us give thanks. Go through your closets, toys, pantry, and donate your no-longer-desired items to a local charity. Show how thankful you are for the blessings in your life by donating and blessing the life of someone else. This is a great opportunity not only to prepare your house for all the incoming gifts but also to teach your family the value and joy of giving.

We hope you have a fun and happy Thanksgiving.

1 comment:

  1. I think you said it just perfectly! Happy Thanksgiving!


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